Difference Between Need and Want

The difference between need and want can definitely blur at times. But in general, needs are essential for health and happiness while wants simply make life more pleasurable and interesting.

Needs: The Essentials for Survival and Well-Being

To live and thrive, there are certain essentials you just can’t do without – your basic needs. These include:

  • Food and water: Without sustenance and hydration, you won’t survive for long. Focus on nutritious, balanced meals and drinking plenty of water every day.
  • Shelter: You need adequate housing or shelter to protect yourself from exposure to the elements. A place to live, whether a house, apartment, or other dwelling, is a must.
  • Safety: Feeling secure in your own home and community is important for your well-being. Take normal precautions to avoid harm.
  • Health: Maintaining your physical and mental health with good hygiene, healthcare, and avoiding unhealthy habits or addiction is vital. Get checkups, exercise, and rest.
  • Oxygen: You need to breathe clean air to live. While oxygen itself is abundant, pollution and environmental hazards can impact health and longevity.
  • Warmth: Protecting yourself from extreme cold is necessary for comfort and survival. Heating and insulation help regulate body temperature.
  • Social interaction: Humans are social creatures and need relationships, communication, and community for optimal health and happiness. Connecting to others fulfills this need.

Focusing on meeting your basic needs builds a foundation for wellness and success. They may not always be exciting or glamorous, but they are the essentials that make life possible and worth living. Satisfying needs first helps clarify what really matters most.

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Wants: Desires That Are Non-Essential

Wants are things you desire but don’t actually need to survive or function. They make life more enjoyable and fun but aren’t essential. Some examples of wants include:

  • The latest tech gadgets like smart watches or wireless headphones. They’re cool to have but you can live without them.
  • Brand name clothing and accessories. Generic or less expensive options will work just as well to clothe you.
  • Fancy coffees and meals. Basic coffee and home-cooked food can satisfy you without the high price tag.
  • Entertainment like streaming music or video services, cable TV, movies, concerts, and hobbies. While enjoyable, they aren’t required for your well-being.
  • Vacations and travel. Though rejuvenating, you don’t need to go anywhere to meet your basic needs.
  • A bigger house. Your current home likely already provides adequate shelter. A larger space is a desire, not a necessity.

So take a step back and consider what you really need to live a meaningful life. You may find you already have more than enough.

Difference Between Need and Want


  1. A need is something you require to survive and function, like food, water, shelter, and safety. 
  2. Your needs are basically the same as everyone else’s. 
  3. Needs are necessities.
  4. Your needs can be satisfied.
  5. You need things like food, water, shelter, safety, and health to survive.


  1. A want is something you desire but isn’t crucial for your well-being.
  2. Your wants are based on your own personal interests, values, and priorities in life. 
  3. Wants are luxuries.
  4. Your wants are often insatiable.
  5. Your wants like entertainment, hobbies, and material goods are desires that make life more enjoyable but aren’t required to stay alive.

Recognizing the difference between need and want can help you spend money more wisely and be more content with what you have. Focusing too much on chasing wants often leads to overspending and less life satisfaction.

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